Unknown Frequencies. We live in a noisy place. We live in the city. Because here the simultaneity of voices prevails. In Unknown Frequencies, Marque-Lin, performance artist, and Emilio Cordero Checa, sound and light designer, look for the political power of noise, for the comfort within noise. Because the opposite of “music”…
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Overlapping Waves
Overlapping Waves. The continental, imperial thinking covers the landscape. Hills and valleys are measured. Sounds and relationships are measured. But is that even possible? What happens if the landscape is mostly made up of water, if the in-between and the fluid rule life? If the currents get confused and one’s…
Decolonial Frequencies Festival – April 2022
#DecolonialFrequencies Festival continues this spring with unexpected encounters and premieres. We also reprise earlier compositions and sound performances. In its second edition, non-hegemonic dialogue takes centerstage. A postmigrant artist’s life is a decolonial act. We invite musicians, sound artists, and performers who meet each other for the first time to…
Dis/Obedience Performed
SOUTHEAST OF NOW: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia issue 6.1 is now out! Many thanks to Roger Nelson, Eva Ben, and Annie Jael Kwan for the thoughtful editing of this special issue. I contributed a short ‘rumination’ article entitled “Dis/Obedience Performed” about my conversations with friends, Therese…
Akustische Störungen. Postkoloniale und queere Potentiale sonischer Interventionen
The DFG Project “Akustische Störungen. Postkoloniale und queere Potentiale sonischer Interventionen” at Freie Universität Berlin headed by Prof. Dr. Doris Kolesch is looking for Ph.D. candidates and postdoctoral researchers. The project takes my work on sound as a method of decoloniality as its theoretical starting point. „Wenn wir an Kolonialismus…