Browsing Category Music

»Eigenschwingungen – Forces of Overtones« at November Music Festival

The composer as commentator, director, performer and researcher. Various disciplines come together in the work of the Filipino-Dutch composer meLê yamomo. Work that has a powerful current value, in which yamomo responds to personal subjects such as colonialism. meLê yamomo is the fourth winner of the biennial Open Ear composer…

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Asia Culture Center (ACC) Residency 2023 commences in Gwangju

2023 Asia Culture Center (ACC) Residency has embarked on its 7-month journey with 9 participants from around the world. Since its inception in 2015, ACC Residency has been inviting creators and researchers from various fields including art, science, technology and humanities to inspire inventive ideas and trigger interdisciplinary exchange. In this…

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meLê yamomo @ Zurich University of the Arts

meLê yamomo: “…and when I speak, my brown skin and the entire ecology vibrate”. Performance-Lecture02.05.2023, 18:00Toni-Areal, Konzertsaal 1, Ebene 7, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Zürich What lies between theory and aesthetics? Situatedness and migration? Sounding and listening? Performing and perception? the Universal Self and the Colonial Other? What understandings transpire in imagining…

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