On 13-14 June, I will speak about my recent performance »Echoing Europe: Postcolonial Reverberations« at the »Embodied Histories – Entangled Communities. Southeast Asian and Western Approaches to Narratives and Performance Art« conference. You can find more information about the event on the conference website. I also include a short summary below….
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Tonaufnahmen als Trophäen
Jamal Tuschick reviewed Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations on der Freitag. “meLê yamomo zeigt in seinem Soundwerk „Echoing Europe – Postcolonial reverberations“ die europäische Aneignungs- und Kategorisierungsarroganz und ihre wissenschaftlichen Maskierungen im Geist der Traurigen Tropen. Er untersucht die Grenze zwischen „Musik“ und „Geräusch“ als gewaltsame Setzung nicht zuletzt. … Er…
Radio Feature: Sound-Performance „Echoing Europe“ – Der Klang des Kolonialismus
In time for our premiere, music critic Christoph Möller produced a feature on “Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations” on Deutschlandfunk Kultur. “Was Musik ist, entscheidet nach wie vor der Westen, meint der Musikwissenschaftler und Performer meLê yamomo. In seiner Sound-Performance „Echoing Europe“ will er koloniale Denkmuster in der Musik offenlegen…
Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations
A Sound Performance by meLê yamomo. Noise, din, background buzz, sound waves hit the eardrum. Sounds are physical touches. Touches of something unknown. If we knew what it was it might actually be “music”. Who decides what is “sound”? Who would classify it as “music”? Can we stand this touch?…
»Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations«
On 16 May, I will be premiering a new music theatre/sound performance piece entitled »Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations«. You can read the dramaturgical notes on the Theater Ballhaus Naunynstrasse website. Tickets are now available on the Berlin Bühnen website. (Up there is a picture at the rehearsal studio.) If…