on 11 March, I will be speaking in the artist talk series at Bard College Berlin, reflecting on my artistic philosophy and research agenda on how soundings and listenings transform us towards a postmigrant society. If you are in Berlin, do come by. In the portrait photo, I’m thrilled to be wearing a bespoke Santi Obcena.

Friday, March 11, 2022 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm CET/GMT+1
Lecture, The Factory

What lies in between theory and aesthetics? Situatedness and migration? Sounding and listening? Performing and perception? The Universal Self and the Colonial Other? What understandings transpire in imagining beyond social imaginations of racial, national, cultural, gender, or disciplinary borders and boundaries? What knowledges emerge through hearing? How can processes of soundings and listening transform us towards a postmigrant society? In this artist-talk, meLê yamomo speaks about his biography and philosophy as an artist-scholar migrating between continents, cultures, artistic practices, and academic disciplines.