Hi there! My name is meLê yamomo. I live between Amsterdam and Berlin, and I am a researcher and a theatre-maker/composer.
As a theatre director and composer, I’ve recently created the pieces »Echoing Europe«, »sonus – the sound within us« and Forces of Overtones which are in repertoire at the Theater Ballhaus Naunynstraße. In Autumn 2021 and Spring 2022, I am curating the Decolonial Frequencies Festival.
On regular days, I am Assistant Professor of New Dramaturgies, Media Cultures, Artistic Research, and Decoloniality at the University of Amsterdam. I am Project Leader and Principal Investigator of the projects »Sonic Entanglements« and »Decolonizing Southeast Asian Sound Archives« (DeCoSEAS). I also host the Sonic Entanglements Podcast.
On this website, you can find what I’m up to and read about my recent projects. If you have questions or would like to get in touch, drop me a message on the contact page.
Here are the latest updates: