Hi there! My name is meLê yamomo. I am a theatre director and composer, and resident artist at the Theater Ballhaus Naunynstraße.
When I’m not doing theatre and music (which is most of the time), I am most probably at work as an Assistant Professor of Theatre, and Performance Studies at the University of Amsterdam. I am also the Project Leader of »Sonic Entanglements: Listening to Modernities in Southeast Asian Sound Recordings« (a Veni Project by the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), and the co-Project Leader and Principal Investigator offunded by the European Joint Project Initiatives for Cultural Heritage.
Besides these, I am
a rain or shine biker.a Lindyhop beginner.an adobo aficionado.am hoping to play the erhu someday.
My current work and projects
University of Amsterdam
I am an Assistant Professor of Theatre, and Performance Studies at the University of Amsterdam.
I am the co-Project Leader and Principal Investigator of »Decolonizing Southeast Asian Sound Archives« (DeCoSEAS) funded by the European Joint Project Initiatives for Cultural Heritage..
Theater Ballhaus Naunynstraße
I am resident artist at the Theater Ballhaus Naunynstraße.
Sonic Entanglements
I am the Project Leader of »Sonic Entanglements: Listening to Modernities in Southeast Asian Sound Recordings« (a Veni Project by the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) .
Updates and Recent News
»듣기에 대한 삼각법: 듣기의 과거, 현재, 미래에 대한 세 가지 생각« / Trigonometry of Listening: Three Thoughts on the Past, Present, and Futures of Listening
readWorlding Feminist Theatre & Performance Historiography
readDecolonizing Sound Workshop in Toronto
readLa musique à l’ère des défis: temporalités plurielles-mondiales / Music in Difficult Times: Global—Plural Temporalities
readCongratulations to the Philippine Arts in Venice Biennale!
read»Plot(ting) Launch«
readBarbara Titus’s response to the book review of “The Future of the Dutch Colonial Past”
readTransnational Philippines: Cultural Encounters in Philipine Literature in Spanish now out!
readTwo new publications hot off the press!
readOut Now: New Music and Institutional Critique