On 31 January 2018, I will be launching my new research project »Sonic Entanglements: Listening to Modernities in Sound Recordings of Southeast Asia, 1890-1950«. During the launch, Kati Röttger will introduce the project. I will talk about the content of the research, introduce the website, and present the trailer for…
Browsing Category Event
Acoustic Histories/Historiographies in the Asia Pacific: An Interview with meLê yamomo
Many thanks to the Forum Transregionale Studien in Berlin for sponsoring and hosting our Explorative Workshop “Acoustic Histories/Historiographies in the Asia Pacific” on 11-12 January 2018. Here is a short interview where I talk about our upcoming colloquium.
Rethinking the Dynamics of Music and Nationalism
SPIN organizes the international conference, Rethinking the Dynamics of Music and Nationalism. The conference is set on 26-29 September 2017 at De Rode Hoed, Cultureel Centrum (Amsterdam). The full program can be found here. I’ll be presenting my research on the Philippine Military Band within my proposed framework of The Anthropology of Sound. Here’s…
Other Globes: Past and Peripheral Imaginations of the Global
The Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies is hosting a special conference entitled Other Globes: Past and Peripheral Imaginations of the Global. University of Amsterdam 4-5 July 2017 Here’s the abstract of my talk: Globalization in cylinders: Auditioning the early global acoustic epistemology Globalization is often constituted within an ocularcentric…
Temporalities of Globalisation
This year’s theme for the third annual conference of the Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies is: “Where Are We Now? Temporalities of Globalisation”. At the conference I will talk about how the reiteration of the nineteenth-century migrant Manila musicians in the contemporary Overseas Filipino entertainers is historically rooted in earlier forms…