Browsing Category Music

Tumrap susilaning gěndhing winor laguning lělagon @ Kunsthaus Zürich

dr. meLê yamomo will deliver the keynote performance-lecture at Kunsthaus Zürich. Please come by if you are around. “Tumrap susilaning gěndhing winor laguning lělagon / In harmony with the song fused by singing” is in conversation with Sri Margana, Fyerool Darma, and Amabilita Sudarmanto, and in artistic and production collaboration…

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Thank you Bert Palinckx for 25 years Artistic Directorship of November Festival!

A heartfelt congratulations and thank you to Bert Palinckx for 25 years of dedication and visionary leadership as the Artistic Director of the November Festival. Your contributions have shaped the landscape of contemporary music in the Netherlands and internationally. As Bert steps down from this role, we wish him all…

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La musique à l’ère des défis: temporalités plurielles-mondiales / Music in Difficult Times: Global—Plural Temporalities

As part of Société de musique contemporaine du Québec‘s Homage Series to Sandeep Bhagwati (Concert Season 2023-24), Concordia University is organizing the conference, “La musique à l’ère des défis: temporalités plurielles-mondiales / Music in Difficult Times: Global—Plural Temporalities.” I will be giving the keynote lecture-performance on May 3 (Friday) at 5pm. Please say hi if…

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Out Now: New Music and Institutional Critique

Many thanks to our hardworking editors, Christian Grüny and Brandon Farnsworth, for bringing to the finish line our new collected volume, “New Music and Institutional Critique” From the blurb: “This open access volume assembles for the first time an array of theoretical approaches and practical examples dealing with New Music’s…

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