The Royal Society for Music History of The Netherlands invites everyone to join their Musicological Expo on 12 December 2020. I will be speaking in the first panel with the topic: When did the Manila musicians become Filipinos? And when did Post-migration become Post?

Session 1 (11:00-13:00 CET):
Music and Migration
Focus on migration and migrants’ activities have enriched music studies in manifold ways over the past decades. During this panel, meLê yamomo, Iye Echa, Marthe Holman, and Rebekah Ahrendt (moderator) will shed light on this topic by introducing their research on music and migration in colonial Southeast Asia, West African djembe musicians in the Netherlands, and Dutch charity organizations working with music projects and refugees.

Session 2 (15:00-17:00 CET):
Music and Whiteness in the Netherlands

Whiteness is the default setting of most Dutch music institutions. Curricula at the conservatories and musicology departments remain rooted in white European musical traditions, and the faculty at such institutions remain overwhelmingly white. This panel will put a spotlight on the whiteness of Dutch music industry, education, and scholarship – whiteness that still largely remains invisible and therefore functions as universal. In order to be able to decenter it, we must first define how it functions and name the violence it inflicts. During this panel, Pravini Baboeram, Charissa Granger, Gavin-Viano, Aafje de Roest, and Olga Panteleeva (moderator) will address the historical background as well as the present-day impact of this environment on white and non-white people who navigate the Dutch music world.

This digital symposium will be hosted on Zoom. Advance registration is required.

>> Sign up for this event via before Thursday 10 December. You will receive a link and guide how to participate in advance of the event.
>> NB: The Musicological Expo will only be available for streaming live on 12 December. No recordings will be made available afterwards.