On Sunday, my video-lecture-performance will be shown at the Donaueschinger Musiktage. In this piece, I situate my reflection of the ‘sonus’ in contemporary art music’s reflexive meta-musical re-evaluation of itself as a sonic medium.

I am, however, twice removed from this ‘performative’ act. I am physically not in the Donaueschingen–as we will be premiering Gaung – Unpredictable Resonance on Sunday evening. And neither am I in the video lecture. In my place are bodies and voices of friends and colleagues, who on my behalf ask among others the questions:

“How important is the voice in the creation of meaning and sonus? What happens when the lecture is delivered by a different voice? A different body?”

If you are in Donaueschingen, and are up at 10AM on a Sunday morning, please head down to the Sitzungssaal of the Finanzamt Donaueschingen, grab one of the 3D headphones, and see/listen to our video. Find out who among my friends took over my thoughts and occupied my voice.