“The composer meLê yamomo will receive the Open Ear Award on November 2, which the Trillende Lucht Foundation awards to composers who “show a world of their own” in their work. The awards ceremony will take place during the November Music festival. With cellist Eurico Ferreira Mathias, yamomo presents his…
Browsing Category Interview
“Archival Silences” on the Sonic Interventions Podcast
Listening tip: The new season of Sonic Interventions engages with Asian (diasporic) perspectives. It opens with a conversation between Prof. Dr. Doris Kolesch, Dr. Layla Zami, and Emma Lo with artist-scholar Dr. meLê yamomo. In this first episode, they discuss sonic relationalities and archival practices. Learn more about his work,…
Presence, failure, and the ancestral remediation of sound
Anna Bowen and I met virtually during the pandemic. She was writing the essay series Complicating Care. During our several Zoom conversations last year, I was reminded of the close relationship between the role of curating and caring. Both words are etymologically rooted in the Latin ‘curare’ = to arrange/see/attend…
TIMEZONES: Ears on/of Makiling
I am excited to share with you this TIMEZONES podcast episode entitled »Ears on/of Makiling« — a collection of stories about the mountain we call our artistic home. Put on your headphones and listen to the tapestry of soundscapes from the mountain and of the sonic lives of Ibarangs across…
Wie klingt Kolonialismus? meLê yamomo im Interview
Elisa Erkelenz came to Ballhaus Naunynstrasse to see Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations last December, and we talked about sound, music, performance, and archives. Thanks, Elisa for including our conversation on the latest edition of VAN Outernational Magazine. “yamomos Soundperformance im Ballhaus Naunynstrasse ist eine vielschichtige Überlagerung verschiedener Zeiten und Bewertungssysteme. Der Saal…