Intercultural Processes & Art: The Next Level. Presentation of a performative laboratory of post-migrant arts.Post-migrant arts ‒ we ask ourselves: what are the current strategies, narratives and politics that can be identified in this theatre movement? What methods or approaches are new to us, reaching beyond previous terrains, artistic disciplines,…
Browsing Category Production
Cegos in Amsterdam (2014)
5 June 2015Urban Intervention Performance in the Amsterdam city centerConceived and produced by Marcos Bulhoes and Marcelo Denny of the University of Sao PauloIn Partnership with the University of Amsterdam – Theatre Studies Department
The Memory Booth (2011)
The Memory Booth – an interactive body-memory installation (2011) [] Launched at Camillo 2.0 (PSI Conference – Utrecht) Featured at Transnational.Transcultural. Transformation. Theatre Conference and Festival (Melbourne, Australia) Programming: Neal Lewis Design: Solkin Keizer/meLê yamomo Sound Design: Markus Hoogervoorst/meLê yamomo Production & Marketing: Jessica Maxwell Producer/Dramaturg: Will Peterson Executive Producer/Dramaturg:…
Nothing makes me feel happier than a bowl of bean cassoulet (2009)
Performed at the Warwick Studio-Theatre (UK 2009) “The production set off to explore the theme of home(lessness) in its many contemporary manifestations through a range of characters that experience various forms of displacement and uprootedness. Placed against the geopolitical backdrop of the early 21st century, these characters emerged…
{The Alunsina Network} (2008)
{The Alunsina Network} Universiteitstheater (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) December 2008 Libretto: Maya Arad Dramaturgy: Lonneke van Heugten Sound Design: Markus Hoogervoost Device, Direction, Video, Light, Production, Sound Design: meLê yamomo