Browsing Category Public Scholarship

meLê yamomo @ Zurich University of the Arts

meLê yamomo: “…and when I speak, my brown skin and the entire ecology vibrate”. Performance-Lecture02.05.2023, 18:00Toni-Areal, Konzertsaal 1, Ebene 7, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, Zürich What lies between theory and aesthetics? Situatedness and migration? Sounding and listening? Performing and perception? the Universal Self and the Colonial Other? What understandings transpire in imagining…

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Donaueschingen Global: The sonus in Contemporary Music

On Sunday, my video-lecture-performance will be shown at the Donaueschinger Musiktage. In this piece, I situate my reflection of the ‘sonus’ in contemporary art music’s reflexive meta-musical re-evaluation of itself as a sonic medium. I am, however, twice removed from this ‘performative’ act. I am physically not in the Donaueschingen–as…

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The Room of the Diasporas (NYU-Abu Dhabi, 2019)

I’m excited to be at NYU Abu Dhabi next week for the reconvening of The Room of Diasporas project. The Room of the Diasporas: Per/Forming the “Diasporic Experience” On the Filipino Diaspora and re/creating spaces away from home as an act of imagining and self-preservation was originally a dramaturgical inquiry…

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Wagner’s “Lohengrin” in Manila

This advertisement shows that Lohengrin would have been the first Wagner opera performed in Manila in August 1895—almost half a century after the opera’s inaugural performance in Weimar. The Manila premiere production was staged by the visiting Compañia de Opera Italiana under the musical direction of Italian composer/conductor Maestro Ciro Cavalieri, together with the local Orquesta Molina under the baton of Filipino composer/conductor Maestro José Estrella.


Lohengrin in Manila
Lohengrin in Manila


Image: ©National Archive of the Philippines