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»듣기에 대한 삼각법: 듣기의 과거, 현재, 미래에 대한 세 가지 생각« / Trigonometry of Listening: Three Thoughts on the Past, Present, and Futures of Listening

News Alert! Our new book is out: The Asian Culture Center Sound Lab Research Catalogue, »듣기의 미래: 도시« / Futures of Listening: City, curated and edited by 김광래 Featured in the book is an introductory article by dr. meLê yamomo, »듣기에 대한 삼각법: 듣기의 과거, 현재, 미래에 대한 세 가지… Continue reading

La musique à l’ère des défis: temporalités plurielles-mondiales / Music in Difficult Times: Global—Plural Temporalities

As part of Société de musique contemporaine du Québec‘s Homage Series to Sandeep Bhagwati (Concert Season 2023-24), Concordia University is organizing the conference, “La musique à l’ère des défis: temporalités plurielles-mondiales / Music in Difficult Times: Global—Plural Temporalities.” I will be giving the keynote lecture-performance on May 3 (Friday) at 5pm. Please say hi if… Continue reading