News Alert! Our new book is out: The Asian Culture Center Sound Lab Research Catalogue, »듣기의 미래: 도시« / Futures of Listening: City, curated and edited by 김광래 Featured in the book is an introductory article by dr. meLê yamomo, »듣기에 대한 삼각법: 듣기의 과거, 현재, 미래에 대한 세 가지…
Browsing Category Book Launch
Two new publications hot off the press!
Two new publications hot off the press! Please join us in celebrating the launch of these new books. On Wednesday, February 7, the Amsterdam Museum is hosting a drinks reception in honor of the launch of The Future of the Dutch Colonial Past: Curating Heritage, Art and Activism (Amsterdam University…
Out Now: New Music and Institutional Critique
Many thanks to our hardworking editors, Christian Grüny and Brandon Farnsworth, for bringing to the finish line our new collected volume, “New Music and Institutional Critique” From the blurb: “This open access volume assembles for the first time an array of theoretical approaches and practical examples dealing with New Music’s…
Book Launch: »Sounding Modernities: Theatre and Music in Manila and the Asia Pacific, 1869-1946«
I’m excited to announce that my book, »Sounding Modernities: Theatre and Music in Manila and the Asia Pacific, 1869-1946« is now out! I would like to cordially invite you to a small gathering of friends to celebrate the launching of the book. This will take place on 12 October at…