Elisa Erkelenz came to Ballhaus Naunynstrasse to see Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations last December, and we talked about sound, music, performance, and archives. Thanks, Elisa for including our conversation on the latest edition of VAN Outernational Magazine. “yamomos Soundperformance im Ballhaus Naunynstrasse ist eine vielschichtige Überlagerung verschiedener Zeiten und Bewertungssysteme. Der Saal…
Browsing Category Interview
“Sometimes you only have to listen…” About the sonic entanglements of our colonial past
Sometime in summer, Stefan Donath and I were sitting at the glass-window-surrounded kitchen of the International Research Center “Interweaving Performance Cultures”, soaking in the sun and chatting about the premiere of Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations. You can eavesdrop on our conversation which is now an article on the Textures online magazine. I met…
TraFo Interview: »Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations«
Moritz Buchner of the Forum Transregionale Studien interviewed me about my ideas and experience in the creation of »Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations«. On 16-18 May, you premiered a sound performance entitled “Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations” at the Theater Ballhaus Naunynstrasse Berlin. Could you tell us the background of…