In time for our premiere, music critic Christoph Möller produced a feature on “Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations” on Deutschlandfunk Kultur.

“Was Musik ist, entscheidet nach wie vor der Westen, meint der Musikwissenschaftler und Performer meLê yamomo. In seiner Sound-Performance „Echoing Europe“ will er koloniale Denkmuster in der Musik offenlegen und kritisch hinterfragen.”

(The West still decides what music is, says the musicologist and performer meLê yamomo. In his sound performance “Echoing Europe” he wants to reveal colonial thought patterns in music and critically examine them.)

Sound-Performance „Echoing Europe“Der Klang des Kolonialismus
Von Christoph Möller
Deutschlandfunk (Freitag, 16.05.2019)

You can also listen to the broadcast and read the transcript on the Deutschlandfunk Kultur website.