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»Echoing Europe« Returns to the Stage in December

I have been asking myself: is it ever possible to decolonize from within the institutions of the empire? In inscribing subalternity within the language of inherently Eurocentric academia and institutional art, am I not then just complicit to colonialism? I reflect on these questions in the sound performance/composed theatre project Echoing…

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TraFo Interview: »Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations«

Moritz Buchner of the Forum Transregionale Studien interviewed me about my ideas and experience in the creation of »Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations«. On 16-18 May, you premiered a sound performance entitled “Echoing Europe – Postcolonial Reverberations” at the Theater Ballhaus Naunynstrasse Berlin. Could you tell us the background of…

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[Symposium] »Pathways of Performativity in Contemporary Southeast Asian Art«

On 27-28 June 2019 at Haus der Kunst, München, I will be speaking about the topic “Performing Epistemic Disobediences in Manila and Southeast Asia? Decolonial Possibilities in José Maceda’s Udlot-udlot and Ugnayan” at the symposium »Pathways of Performativity in Contemporary Southeast Asian Art«. You can see more information about the symposium on the Haus…

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