Posts tagged "decolonial frequencies"

Synthesized Planet

Synthesized Planet. Is it possible to travel with the help of sound? To unknown places? We know, since the sound events of Sun Ra, that sound has a driving energy. It is an energy that can transport us away from all earthly borders to other planets. And when we speak… Continue reading

Tuning In To Resonances

Tuning In To Resonances. It’s a contemporary survival technique: one checks websites and articles, in order to create a picture of someone before meeting them. Especially before flying 10,000km to meet a person for the first time, with whom one will publicly perform three days later. But this common practice… Continue reading

Unknown Frequencies

Unknown Frequencies. We live in a noisy place. We live in the city. Because here the simultaneity of voices prevails.  In Unknown Frequencies, Marque-Lin, performance artist, and Emilio Cordero Checa, sound and light designer, look for the political power of noise, for the comfort within noise. Because the opposite of “music”… Continue reading

Overlapping Waves

Overlapping Waves. The continental, imperial thinking covers the landscape. Hills and valleys are measured. Sounds and relationships are measured. But is that even possible? What happens if the landscape is mostly made up of water, if the in-between and the fluid rule life? If the currents get confused and one’s… Continue reading